Hello parents and guardians!
Thanks for taking the time to look at the blog. This is my primary means of letting you know at home, what is happening in the class each day. I usually post everything that we do (classwork, homework, resources, extra practice, etc.) on this page several times a day. You can check the blog any time you want to see what we’ve been up to or you can use an RSS Reader to subscribe to my blog by pressing that orange button in the top right of the screen. If you’d prefer to be emailed the posts every day (which I encourage you to do), simply enter your email address in the top left of the screen where it says “Subscribe be email”. You’ll get one email daily between 3 and 5 pm with all of the days work/homework/etc.
I would also like to compile email addresses from the parents/guardians in the class, so that I can occasionally send out group emails about important events, projects etc. You can click on the Contact Info page to fill in the contact info of up to two people for each student. You can also add phone numbers for me to reach you if you’d like.
Students in my class will not be required to purchase agendas because they will have access to the blog though their computers. However you may purchase an agenda for $7 if you wish your child to use one independently.
I actually prefer if you email me directly using my board email address scott.monahan@yrdsb.edu.on.ca or the message box on the right side of the blog. I will generally only check my work email during the working day and I will try to make sure that I get back to you that day or by the following day at the latest. Of course you can always call the school at (905) 727-6642 to reach me directly, or if I’m teaching, leave a message on my voicemail.