- Today’s Lesson: Chapter 2, Lesson 7 - Using Mental Math (Pages 50-52)
Tip: You can use your YRDSB Username and Password (with no ABC) to view the textbook pages online. - Learning Goals:
- Some calculations can and should be performed using mental math.
- Changing the order of numbers being added or multiplied does not change the sum or product.
- Compatible numbers are numbers that are easy to compute mentally.
- Changing the order of numbers being added or multiplied does not change the sum or product.
- Additional Resources:
- Mental Math Game (and review and quiz)
- Another Mental Math Game
- Mental Math – Grade 6 (PDF) – This is a good resource to use at home or to practice mental math strategies.
- Mental Math Strategies – This is for teachers, but it has several ideas you can use.
- Classwork: Practice Questions 1-10
- Homework Book: Pages 22-23
Friday, September 30, 2011
Math for Friday, September 30, 2011
Spelling Pre-Assessment
We will have a spelling pre-assessment in class today, so that I can break you into groups and set up appropriate word lists. Please click here to go to the Google Docs spelling sheet.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Math Questions
A couple of you noted that I did not post the questions that were assigned for homework. This was because you had 10 minutes in class to copy the question down and begin working. Use your class time wisely!
Click on the photo below to enlarge the questions.
Language Homework
Please have 5 rough diary entries completed for tomorrow (Friday, September 30, 2011)
Rubric for Diary
Math for Thursday, September 29, 2011
Classwork/Homework: Choose one of the two problems at the bottom of page 49. Solve it using the GRASS method of problem solving and hand it in.
GRASS Problem Solving Exemplar
Reading Comprehension Strategies
Today we are going to begin to look at some of the common reading strategies that good readers use.
We will look at a recent news story and discuss how we can apply some of the strategies below to our reading of the story.
Reading Comprehension Strategies
- Making Connections
- Visualize
- Ask Questions
- Inferring
- Determine Importance
- Synthesize
Wear GREEN on Friday
Just a reminder that our grade colour is
Please wear something GREEN for the school rainbow picture.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Math Test Coming Up!
We will have a math test on lessons 2.1 to 2.7 next week on Wednesday, October 5th. This covers pages 12 – 23 in your homework book.
I will also send home additional practice questions on Friday, so you can practice over the weekend. Answers will go home on Monday.
If you have any questions, please make sure that you take some time to ask me. I am available many recesses and after school to help review and/or solve problems you have difficulty with.
There will be multiple choice questions, short answer questions and a couple of word problems on the test.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Language for Tuesday, October 27, 2011
Today we checked in on the progress of our diary entries and got started in Google Docs. Tomorrow will be an interesting schedule because of “Walk a Mile in my Shoes” and the Terry Fox Run. It is likely that we will only be together for one period before lunch.
Science Quiz on Monday
Heads up – Mrs. Landsberg will be having a science quiz on Air and Flight on Monday, October 3 for you.
Study notes
- know and understand the properties of air
- know and understand the forces that are used to create flight
- a) thrust b)drag c)gravity d)lift
- Be able to answer the question “Why can birds fly?”
- Be able to answer the question “How is lift created ?”
- Good luck !
Monday, September 26, 2011
Grolier Online Encyclopedia
Just a reminder that you can access Grolier Online from the Find It! page on the blog. When you hover with your mouse over the link to Grolier Online, you will see the username and password for YRDSB students.
Math for Monday, September 26, 2011
We finally got back to prime and composite numbers.
- Today’s Lesson: Math Makes Sense
- Chapter 2, Lesson 5 - Prime and Composite Numbers (Pages 45-47)
- Learning Goals:
- A number with exactly two factors, 1 and itself, is a prime number.
- A number with more than two factors is a composite number.
- The number 1 is neither prime nor composite.
- Classwork: Practice Questions 1-11
- Hand in #5 & 8 – Show your work
- Homework Book: Pages 20-21
An important concept that we talked about today in class was that you could eliminate possibilities in order to come up with a correct answer. For example if I want to know which of the numbers between 40 and 50 are prime, I could list all of the the numbers, and then explain why some aren’t prime (i.e. are composite) and the numbers that remain are prime.
- Possible prime numbers: 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
- 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, and 50 are all even numbers that can be divided by two so they aren’t prime.
- 41, 43, 45, 47, 49 remain
- 45 is a multiple of 5 (5 x 9) so it isn’t prime.
- 41, 43, 47, 49 remain
- 49 is a multiple of 7 (7 x7) so it isn’t prime.
- 41, 43, 47 remain
- Now I only have three numbers to test using division. I will test them to see if they can be divided by any of the low prime numbers that I haven’t already dealt with.
- None of these can be divided by 2, 3, 5, 7 or 11 so they must be prime!
- 41, 43, 47 are prime numbers.
Pizza Orders
The pizza order can now be completed online! This change was made to help facilitate the ordering and organization of pizza lunches. You can find the order page by clicking here. Orders must be submitted by Friday, September 30th, in order to ensure delivery next week. You will need to press the submit button after you have completed your order.
Cheques will still need to be submitted to the office. Cheques should be made out to Highview Public School. Please ensure that each cheque notes that it is for the pizza order and the appropriate student or family name is indicated clearly..
If you need a paper copy of the pizza order form, please let us know and one will be sent home or you or your child can pick it up in the office.
Language for Monday, September 26, 2011
Diary of an Unlikely Subject
- by now you should have chosen your topic.
- You had 30 min in class to research 10 interesting facts about your topic (some of you may have had to do some brainstorming instead of research)
- Please ensure that your list is finished and you can show it to me tomorrow during language.
- Everyone should have been able to log in to SpellingCity.com. Try out your username and password.
- There are currently three lists there for everyone to work on.
Scientist in the School
Friday, September 23, 2011
Regarding Spelling
Hello parents and students,
As I discussed with students in the class on Friday Thursday, I have not taught a formal spelling program in the past. There are many reasons for this, including some research showing that it is more important for students to be able to get their ideas down in writing, even if they don’t get the spelling right and the existence of spell-checkers. There is also the challenge of programming appropriately across a variety of spelling strengths in one classroom. If I was marking spelling on a writing task, I usually made it clear that a portion of the mark was based on following conventions.
That being said, I have also had some conversations with students about how important it is to spell properly and how people will make judgments about your intelligence if you don’t spell things correctly on important documents like job applications. I have also taken some feedback from parents of previous students and looked at some of the early work we have done this year and I think that a spelling program would benefit this group of students. However, the spelling program that I implement will not be the same for all students in the degree of difficulty as some students are already adept spellers and need to be challenged, while others need to develop their automatic spelling of common words.
I think I have found an online tool that will help me do this. Spelling City (http://spellingcity.com) is a website that allows me to create word lists for different groups of students and assign different tasks to students. I can create word lists related to their different subjects (like the air and flight unit in Science). There is a large variety of built in spelling and vocabulary tasks and games that will help students improve their language skills and it will even give oral dictation tests.
I will be expecting students to work on these tasks at home and during free time (i.e. after finish other assignments, etc.). I will give some time during class, especially as we begin to use this tool and everyone gets comfortable with it, but as the year progresses it should become a more independent activity.
Spelling City will record oral dictation scores and these will form a small part of students’ Writing marks on the report card. Good or final copies of written assignments will continue to have a portion of the grade for spelling. This will count relatively more than spelling dictation scores because this is a practical application of spelling. This will be indicated on rubrics or checklists accompanying assignments. Spelling will not be marked on rough drafts, or in math tests, or possibly in some other Language assignments, so that students do not receive the message that spelling matters more than anything else. I truly believe it is very important that they get their thoughts down in words, without always worrying about spelling, but that good spelling will not distract readers from interesting and engaging ideas.
Feel free to try out Spelling City. Students can log in using their YRDSB username and password. It is linked from the class blog on the right side under “Important Links”.
Let me know what you think, and please get back to me with any feedback. The first few word lists on the site that I am using come from bell work, student generated problematic words, and their air and flight unit in Science.
Have a good weekend!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
New Books for the Classroom Library
Thanks to the people who helped pick a few new books for the classroom library. The new titles we have are:
- Nerds: M is for Mama’s Boy (Jo Nesbo)
- Doctor Proctor’s Fart Powder (Michael Buckley)
- Tomorrow Girls: With the Enemy (Eva Gray)
- Devon Delaney Should Totally Know Better (Lauren Barnholdt)
After you read them, let me know what you think!
Math for Friday, September 9, 2011
Lucky for you, Mrs. Nelson came by to (re)introduce us to the library and let us sign out a book. You also got a chance to look at some of the books available at the book fair.
So – no math homework. But… you can check out the BBC Bitesize review page on Number Patterns which covers prime numbers. That might give you a different way to think about it. You can also check out AAAMath for a review and practice.
Language for Thursday, September 22, 2011
- Warm-Up was a word scramble
- Set Learning Targets and Success Criteria for our next writing task “Unlikely Diary Keepers”
Learning Targets
- Writing from a different perspective
- Use your imagination
- Engaging
- Humorous
- Develop a sense of voice in our writing
- Word choice helps our voice
- Should match your audience
Success Criteria (how will you know you’ve met your learning target?)
- When our readers learn some information about our topic
- I’ve made my reader chuckle, or grin with my sense of humour
- I’ve made my reader consider a different perspective on the topic
- I’ve used some interesting words that help my voice
- Finished with two more personal introductions
- Homework: Brainstorm ideas for unlikely diary keepers and plan to share on Monday.
- Homework: Read your library book!
Baby Sitting Course Details
A note has gone home with all students who signed up for the babysitting course confirming the details.
- Time: 9:00 – 3:30
- Make sure you pick up your child by 3:30 pm
- Notify the instructor if your child is walking home.
- Please bring
- lunch and snacks
- pen and paper
- doll or teddy for baby care
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Daily Blog Emails
Just wanted to let you know that I’ve changed the time of day that the blog posting emails come out. It was set up to come out sometime between 3:00 and 5:00 pm, but I found that it was coming very shortly after 3:00 and frequently, I would still need to post a couple of things that might not come out until the next day’s email. I’ve set up the service to now email you between 5:00 and 7:00 pm. Hopefully that means you get a better picture of our day and the information you need about homework, projects, etc., just that it might come a little later. You can always come directly to the blog if you want to check earlier.
Scientists in the School
Hello parents,
On Monday, October 3rd, our class will be participating in a workshop presented by Scientists in the School. Students will explore the science behind powered and non-powered flight as a part of their Gr. 6 Science curriculum unit on Air and Flight. You should find a letter with your child today explaining more about the presentation and requesting $9.00 to help cover the cost of the program.
We could also use a few parent volunteers to come in and help out between 8:30 am and noon.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Language for Tuesday, September 21, 2011
- Please remember to bring in your good copy of your “Embarrassing Moment” narrative tomorrow. You must also hand in your two organizers (Cartoon/Leads brainstorming and Paragraph Organizer) and your rough draft at the same time. Please staple everything together and place in the “hand in box”.
- Remember to bring a book!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Math for Monday, September 19, 2011
Please finish question #8 on page 44 in your math textbook. (Click below to enlarge)
Use the model of the GRASS method of problem solving that we completed in class and you copied down to complete your work. The rubric is below.
GRASS Problem Solving
Language for Monday, September 19, 2011
Please finish your good copy of your “Most Embarrassing Moment” narrative. It is due on Wednesday. Use the feedback I gave you on the rubric to improve. Remember to compare to the exemplars that I gave you.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Language for Friday, September 16, 2011
Bell Work: Titles and Captions
How to Write a Good Title
Setting Up Computers
- Change Password
- Connect to Internet
- Save work
Finish and hand in rough draft of “Embarrassing Moment” narrative
Reading: Flight in Canada
- Before Reading
- What do you know about the history of flight in Canada?
- What are three questions you have that you think might get answered as you read about the history of flight?
- During Reading
- Think about which people or planes you find most interesting
- After Reading
- What do you think was the most interesting plane in the article? Tell why.
- Who do you think was the most interesting person in the article? Tell why.
- How aircraft still important in Canada?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Math for Thursday, September 15, 2011
- Today’s Lesson: Chapter 2, Lesson 3 - Comparing and Ordering Numbers (Pages 39-42)
- Learning Goals:
- Place-value concepts are used to compare and order numbers.
- Additional Resources:
- Place value charts
- Classwork: Practice Questions 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (Do as much as you can in class, nothing to hand in today)
- Homework Book: Pages 16-17 (This will be checked tomorrow)
Language for Thursday, September 15, 2011
- Bell work was handed in
- 3 personal introductions were shared
- Rubric for Embarrassing Moment Narrative was shared.
- Remember – Rough copies are due tomorrow!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Math for Wednesday, September 14, 2011
This afternoon we took up the homework from Monday (page 12 and 13) with a special emphasis on how to use division properly.
All students were reminded that they should have and be able to use a calculator.
Math for Wednesday, September 14, 2011 (Morning)
After a homework check and bell work, we reviewed multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, 1000, 10 000 etc. and decided on some rules to help us perform these operations. We came up with the rules below (please note – later on in the year we will cover this again and explain it in terms of moving the decimal place).
Rule for multiplying by 10, 100, 1000, etc.
When you are multiplying you add as many zeroes to the product as there are in the factor if the factor is a multiple of 10 (10, 100, 1000, 10 000, etc)
Ex. 800 x 1 000 000 = 800 000 000
15 x 100 = 1500
Rule for dividing by 10, 100, 1000, etc.
When you are dividing a number that is a multiple of 10, 100, 1000, etc. (ex. has several zeroes at the end - 3400, 57 000,
99 000 000, etc.) by a multiple of 10 (10, 100, 1000, etc.), remove the number of zeros that are in your divisor.
Ex. 2 000 000 ÷ 100 = 20 000
700 000 000 ÷ 1000 = 700 000
Language for Wednesday, September 14, 2011
- Thank you for sharing your Personal Introductions. We will continue to share 5 introductions per day until all have been shared.
Embarrassing Moments
- Due Dates
- Rough Draft – This Friday, September 16
- Good Copy – Wednesday, September 21
- Rubric will be handed out tomorrow (and shared online)
- Continue to work on your rough draft. We will have time on Thursday and Friday to work on them.
Math for Wednesday, September 14, 2011
- Today’s Lesson: Chapter 2, Lesson 3 - Comparing and Ordering Numbers (Pages 39-42)
- Learning Goals:
- Place-value concepts are used to compare and order numbers.
- Additional Resources:
- Place value charts
- Classwork: Practice Questions 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
- Homework Book: Pages 16-17
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Language for Tuesday, September 13, 2011
- Bellwork: Revising for Voice
We will share a few of these using the document camera. - Work on the final draft of your personal introduction. It is due tomorrow and should be ready to be shared.
- If you have finished your final draft (good copy) and checked it over for every single error you can find and it looks beautiful, you can:
- Read a personal novel or one of mine from the back.
- Work on your “Embarrassing Moment” narrative.
Task: Everyone has been embarrassed in life. Write about a time you were really embarrassed about something that really happened to you. Use specific details as you draft and revise, and help your reader understand how you really felt throughout the piece of writing, not just when you were embarrassed. Start your writing with the best lead you can! - If you have completed the organizer that was given to you in class yesterday, you can get another sheet for the rough draft of your embarrassing moment at the front of the class. It has a checklist of things to make sure you include in your work.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Math for Monday, September 12 (Part 1)
- Today’s Lesson: Chapter 2, Lesson 1 - Exploring One Million (Pages 32-34)
- Learning Goals:
- One thousand thousands are equivalent to one million.
- Our number system is based on ten and the relationships among 1, 10, 100, 1000, and so on.
- Tips for Converting Units
- THINK: Should your answer be bigger or smaller!
- If your answer should be bigger, then you will multiply (i.e. How many cm in 2 m? 2 m x 100 cm/m = 200 cm)
- If your answer should be smaller, then you will divide (i.e. How many km in 7000 m? 7000 m ÷ 1000 m/km = 7 km)
- Units
- 10 mm = 1 cm
- 1000 mm = 1 m
- 100 cm = 1 m
- 1000 m = 1 km
- Classwork: Practice Questions 1-7
- Homework Book: Pages 12-13
Language for Monday, September 12, 2011
Personal Introductions
- Thank you for working on these over the weekend. Most of you have done your rough draft and are fixing them up for sharing on Wednesday. Some of you are already finished your good copy. We will have time to work on it tomorrow.
My Most Embarrassing Moment
- You should be finished your 5 potential introductions for your narrative.
- The draft organizer that I gave you can be completed in sentence form or point form - whatever works for you.
Things Done Well in the Exemplars we Looked At
- Strong introduction
- Didn’t give away the whole story
- Ask question
- First sentence
- Little bit at a time
- Included details and feelings
- Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation
- Good vocabulary (word choice)
- Examination room
- Screamed instead of yelled or said
- Explained why things happened
- Can relate
- Good use of punctuation
· Things that Should be Improved on in Gr. 6
- Use proper form (indenting, punctuation, etc)
- More detailed description
- using interesting adjectives
- Little bit longer
- more detail
- more complex sentences (and different types)
- Word choice
Friday, September 9, 2011
Math for Friday, September 9, 2011
- Today’s Lesson: Chapter 2, Lesson 1 - Exploring One Million (Pages 32-34)
- Learning Goals:
- One thousand thousands are equivalent to one million.
- Our number system is based on ten and the relationships among 1, 10, 100, 1000, and so on.
How big would 1 000 000 cm cubes be?
... to make a cube this big!
Great work on the math problems today!
Your homework to be shared Monday is to decide what you would spend $1 000 000 on. Try and find out the actual price of things you'd like to buy so you have a good estimate. Be ready to share.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Personal Introductions
A rough draft of your personal introduction to the class is due on Monday. The organizer with assignment details should be in your language binder. You will need to spend a little bit of time working on it this weekend.
Your Personal Introduction can be presented in one of the following ways:
- A poem
- A news article
- A letter to your classmates
- A journal entry
- A “Wanted” poster
- An advertisement
- If you have a different way that you would like to introduce yourself to the class, you need to check with me before you spend too much time on it.
Your Personal Introduction will include information about yourself from the “Getting to Know You” sheets you have already completed. The following information must be included in your Personal Introduction:
- Your name, age, and date of birth
- A description of/discussion about your family
- Three of your “favourites” (chosen from the “Getting to Know You” sheets
- A description of the activities you participate in outside of school
- Hobbies in your leisure (spare) time
- Your career goals (What do you want to do in the future?)
- Any other information you wish to add about yourself
You can click on the rubric below to see it full size.
Math for Thursday, September 8, 2011
- Today’s Lesson: Chapter 2, Lesson 1 - Exploring One Million (Pages 32-34)
- Learning Goals:
- One thousand thousands are equivalent to one million.
- Our number system is based on ten and the relationships among 1, 10, 100, 1000, and so on.
- Classwork: Practice Questions 1-10
Hand in questions 9 and 10 (make sure your name is on it!) - Homework Book: Pages 14-15
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
A few due dates
- Photo page is due Friday
- Math Pretest is due Thursday
- Getting to Know You
- Rough Draft is due Monday
- Final Draft is due Wednesday (ready to share with the class)
Please ensure you have the following materials as soon as possible.
- 2 small (1”) binders (preferred) or duotangs for math and language.
- Because our lockers are so small, it makes more sense if we just use small binders and clear them out after each unit.
- A calculator for math
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
First Day Tasks
Welcome back!
- Parents
- Please fill out all of the pages from the office that are in the yellow envelope. Keep everything together and return in the envelope as that is the best way for the office to get it from us.
- Please fill out the information sheet for Mr. Monahan (Contact info, strengths, extra-curricular involvement, etc.)
- Students
- Please fill out and return the reading interest and attitude survey.
- Please decorate the “About Me” page that I gave you (avoid the grey spot in the middle as that will be covered up with your photo)
Grade 6 Expectations
Friday, September 2, 2011
Heads up!
Beginning in October, you will have a book report due every second month. This means that in September, you should be reading a book that you can report on in October. I will let you know shortly what format October’s book report will be and when it is due.
Home Communication
Thanks for taking the time to look at the blog. This is my primary means of letting you know at home, what is happening in the class each day. I usually post everything that we do (classwork, homework, resources, extra practice, etc.) on this page several times a day. You can check the blog any time you want to see what we’ve been up to or you can use an RSS Reader to subscribe to my blog by pressing that orange button in the top right of the screen. If you’d prefer to be emailed the posts every day (which I encourage you to do), simply enter your email address in the top left of the screen where it says “Subscribe be email”. You’ll get one email daily between 3 and 5 pm with all of the days work/homework/etc.
I would also like to compile email addresses from the parents/guardians in the class, so that I can occasionally send out group emails about important events, projects etc. You can click on the Contact Info page to fill in the contact info of up to two people for each student. You can also add phone numbers for me to reach you if you’d like.
Students in my class will not be required to purchase agendas because they will have access to the blog though their computers. However you may purchase an agenda for $7 if you wish your child to use one independently.
I actually prefer if you email me directly using my board email address scott.monahan@yrdsb.edu.on.ca or the message box on the right side of the blog. I will generally only check my work email during the working day and I will try to make sure that I get back to you that day or by the following day at the latest. Of course you can always call the school at (905) 727-6642 to reach me directly, or if I’m teaching, leave a message on my voicemail.