Monday, December 12, 2011

Language for Monday, December 12, 2011

  1. Bell Work: Attawapiskat Letter
  2. Rewrite the text below to make this student’s point of view clear. Use strong adjectives to describe what the student is so mad about and specific details to make a stronger case for the government to do something about it.  We will share together.

    Dear Prime Minister,
    I am so mad about what is happening in Attawapiskat. I am mad that kids have to live like that. I am mad that their houses suck. I am mad that they don’t have running water and have to use a bucket as a toilet. I think you should do something about it.
    A mad student.

  3. Reading: Nobody Knows the Difference
    • In class reading response
  4. Read Aloud: Out of my Mind