Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Language for Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Most Embarrassing Moment

  • Final drafts and rubrics were handed back along with feedback today.

    • Overall Feedback for the Class

      • Generally significant improvement between 1st and final draft
      • Don’t write 3 or 4 identical drafts (especially by hand)
      • Read out loud
      • Move big chunks
      • First draft shouldn’t look like final draft (or graphic organizers)
      • Double check words that I circled as spelling errors in a dictionary or online

Unlikely Diary Keepers

  • Handed out rubric

Reading Time

We will go to the library for some silent reading time and/or to choose a book if you haven’t got one.  Please consider a book that you would like to complete a book report on.  The two options for October’s book report are below:
  • Interview a character from your book. Write at least ten questions that will give the character the opportunity to discuss his/her thoughts and feelings about his/her role in the story. However you choose to present your interview is up to you.

  • Create a newspaper for your book. Summarize the plot in one article, cover the weather in another, do a feature story on one of the more interesting characters in another. Include an editorial and a collection of ads that would be pertinent to the story.

For today (and as homework), please write a response to the questions below on your blog or on paper.

  • What book are you thinking of doing a book report on?  (It can/should be one that you have already begun so that you have time to finish it and work on the report)
  • Why did you choose this book to read?  (Minimum 3 sentence answer!)
  • At this point, what is the book about?
  • Why do you think this book is a good choice for a book report?